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We are on the crux of the new financial year and like always, we shall discuss the things that might dominate / are dominating human resources in the new financial year 2019. Well, this blog will not depict any kind of huge revolution in HR which would sound like HRs getting replaced by robots or huge budgets on the way for HR development or anything as such. This will just be about technological blend in HR. It is about what tech trends are currently and will be experienced in HR, soon this year.

What are those?

  • AI based Chatbots:

AI (Artificial Intelligence) is a great idea for skipping mundane tasks like sharing salary slips, notifying birthdays and anniversaries, sharing leaves data, etc. to the employees. AI driven HR softwarehas an ability of assisting you in solving repetitive queries of your employees easily and lets you focus on other tasks in which only you can excel and AI cannot.

  • Automated accounting:

Accounting – One of the most tedious and important job of a business. Agree? Automated billing and payroll for concerned parties with an HRMS is a treat to your business. It eliminates any kind of errors and deliver results within minimum duration thus saving time.

  • Filtering CVs based on keywords:

Talent Acquisition - The biggest concern of HR managers. Filtering the best resume for any further procedure out of dozens and hundreds of resumes is the toughest step. Whilst, AI supported resume reading tool can help you in finding the most relevant CV based on entered keywords from JD you provided. It narrows the search criteria enabling you to make smarter decisions.

Well, it’s already quarter past year ’19 and you might have already observed these. Perhaps, there can also be some new trends like integration of technologies ahead this year. So what are these new possible changes you could see? Follow this…

  • ESS integrating with popular messaging applications:

Nowadays, SMS is just observed as the most annoying messaging platform due to those spam messages, unwanted notifications, and many more. So who rules now? Applications like WhatsApp, Hike and WeChat are the most used messaging apps by users to connect with each other. WhatsApp alone has around 1 billion active users daily. Therefore, vendors of HRMS software have come up with an idea of integrating these apps with their ESS portals to connect and acknowledge their employees anytime and that too easily.

  • Integrating committees with Self-service:

A serious and even more effective integration. There are several committees in an organization supporting safety of workers specially women, sports, etc. Perhaps, not all committee are so open to be discussed or reported directly. Committees like POSH is one of them. It may be awkward for the accused to report the head through physical means instead a ‘POSH special’ button / module could be integrated to your ESS portals for easy reporting thus making your workplace even more safe to work in.

  • Flexible working conditions:

Till the end of this year you will get to see this in most of the workplaces. Also candidates prefer a job with certainly less pay with less / flexible working hours. This arises a need for businesses to promote work from home option for balanced work-life ratio. This is not just beneficial for employees but for employers as well. As a result, less work space will also work thus saving electricity expenses. Since, it’s time for smart work, not hard work.

Wrapping it up

With people becoming more technological addictive, it has now become a need and must for the business owners to include technology at their workplace. Undoubtedly, future of human resources will be revolving majorly around tech and AI. The methods that HRs used to perform in last decade or till ’18 will soon seem like stone-age tricks.

Hope this blog was informative! Good luck!

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Ritik Singh writes about HR (Human Resource) software, cloud and enterprise technology. A dynamic content writer who writes for Pocket HRMS, a leading provider of cloud based HR software with inbuilt AI-powered HR chatbot (smHRty) to small and mid-sized businesses across India.

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