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You know your team is amazing. You see them work laboriously and deliver their best everyday. You probably even thank them for acknowledging their efforts. But are you doing your best to recognize their contributions? Can you confidently say they feel appreciated and satisfied?

Recognizing an employee for their efforts directly impacts the success of the company. Employees take pleasure AND pride in the thought that they've played a key role in achieving a target or hitting a milestone.

Failing to do so might make them feel dejected and unimportant. This might spell trouble for you; your employees might lose interest in their tasks or eventually quit.

So, if you’re keen to award your employees for their valuable contributions meaningfully, we are here to help you out. In this article, we’ve listed 10 effective ways you can reward your employees.

10 Proven Ways To Reward Employees 

Recognizing your employees’ extraordinary achievements with the help of an award certificate goes a long way. While it is a nice gesture, it is also a tangible gift for them to frame for their cubicle. 

You may even announce their honored achievements within the organization on your company's social media page; it will make them feel proud and accounted for.

When they feel like you care about them, it will motivate them to work even harder to achieve organizational goals.

Here is a pretty simple tactic to show your employees they matter, that they deserve more. Give them an extra day off to rejoice in their achievements. 

It doesn't necessarily have to do with them having achieved a target. Giving them an extra break over their scheduled break hours is a nice way to show that you care. 

If it is not possible to give them a break in one go, try scattering it with little breaks across the day. This helps increase productivity. If that doesn't suit them, you can give them an early finish and allow them to leave early. Believe us, it will directly contribute to positivity in the workplace.

Nothing gets better than business leaders supporting their team and local businesses at the same time. Lunch outings do not need to be fancy, neither should they burn a hole in your pocket. 

In fact, if it is a relaxed setting like a café, it might give your employees a chance to unwind.

Team lunches are usually memorable events as everyone involved gets to discuss things outside of work. Not only is this a great way to recognize your employees for their hard work, it also increases their productivity and motivates them to perform better.  

Publishing a yearbook at the end of the year may be a fantastic way to thank workers for their hard work over the previous year. It can be a lot of fun too. 

Consider your high school yearbook and let your imagination go wild - choose the finest photo of each employee and come up with a unique phrase to describe them. You may also mention their year's most notable accomplishment.

A yearbook is a fantastic way to show your appreciation for the team. However, it is also a fantastic opportunity to create memorable memories and relationships with your coworkers, which may help to boost engagement and productivity.

As a manager, you could even create a separate page on your organization's website to recognize the accomplishments of your employees. Creating a page in the hall of fame style could work wonders. Alternatively, you could publish the name and picture of your top-performing employees every fortnight or month and incentivize their efforts.

This could be a brilliant motivator as people love to see themselves being praised on the big screen.

Connecting your employees with the organization’s senior leadership is a brilliant way to let them feel heard. Allow them to create sales ideas and pitch them to the management. 

It might be just for fun, but there is a lot of experience for everyone to gain from events like these. Some ideas might change the future of the company for the better. Giving your employees a real chance to have their big ideas heard and perhaps implemented is a fantastic approach. It is a great way to motivate them to perform better. 

Your employees may be interested in other job positions that are slightly different from their current ones. A great way to make this happen is by giving them role shadowing opportunities. 

Role shadowing allows employees to better grasp  other job roles by observing how their colleagues work. This way, without jeopardizing their jobs, they will get to learn more skills to work efficiently. As a manager, you  can analyze if they perform better in their current job role or the one they are interested in. 

Hardworking employees who achieve their monthly targets can be rewarded with paid days off. Perhaps, a few days a month. This is important as they will feel valued and taken care of, just as they take care of their company’s success. 

As long as they perform well, giving them extra holidays will allow them to gain a work-life balance. They must spend time with their own people to rejuvenate. This gesture can be highly motivational and will encourage them to complete their tasks on time every month. 

A great way to reward exceptional employees is by giving them exciting experiences which they probably wouldn't have indulged in by themselves. 

Consider it your way to express your gratitude for their service to the company. It could be anything from bungee jumping, skydiving to driving a racecar - whatever they are passionate about. 

Moments like these can be inspirational to other employees and will motivate them to work better as well. 

If you are unable to think of anything specific, then monetary incentives are the way to go. Chances are, your employees will be more than happy to receive extra cash or money in the form of gift cards that are useful to them.

It may not necessarily be related to achieving a target. Efforts towards the goal must be recognized too, even if it is not achieved. Rewarding their efforts will push them to give their best the next time and finally hit that target!

Recognize Your Employees' Efforts 

Rewarding employees is a simple concept that has been prevalent for ages. Coming up with ideas in this regard can be tricky as each employee has their preferences. As a manager, you must understand what your employee likes and go out of your way to reward them for their contributions to the organization. 

These were our suggestions for employee recognition ideas.  These employee engagement ideas have helped managers bring out the best in their employees and create strong bonds with and within their teams. So, go for it!

Let us know which of these creative tips you plan on executing first!

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Srikanth Acharya is the founder of OffiNeeds, a leading corporate gifting and employee engagement solutions company. OffiNeeds has been serving corporate clients for the last many years with corporate gifts, bulk corporate gift card solutions, custom company stores and more. You can connect with him on: Srikanth Acharya’s LinkedIn

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