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Navigating the Healthcare Workforce Shortage

Navigating the Healthcare Workforce Shortage: How to Safeguard Your Organization's Most Important AssetĀ 
provides simple, practical, and proven strategies for healthcare leaders to address one of the biggest workforce shortages in recent history.

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About The Book

Healthcare organizations have been beset by a series of harrowing storms. Environmental, market, and demographic conditions had already caused a significant workforce shortage when the COVID-19 pandemic added unprecedented challenges to the mix. Healthcare leaders cannot simply hope the storm will pass but must tackle these issues today.

Navigating the Healthcare Workforce Shortage: How to Safeguard Your Organization's Most Important AssetĀ provides simple, practical, and proven strategies for healthcare leaders to address one of the biggest workforce shortages in recent history. The ideas and plans presented are built on real-life examples of organizations that have successfully overcome their workforce challenges.

Authors Tresha Moreland and Lori Wightman identify six key levers that healthcare leaders can use to address workforce shortages in their organization. The book delves deeply into the new problems posed by the COVID-19 pandemic and the creativity needed to persevere through them.


The six levers covered in this book are:

1) Strengthening organizational resiliency,

2) Shaping a better workplace culture,

3) Improving employee retention rates,

4) Aligning care quality and organizational effectiveness,

5) Taking control of internal and external recruitment strategies,

6) Preparing the workforce for the future.

Confronting the healthcare workforce shortage will not be easy. But with some creative thinking and a commitment to change, healthcare organizations can experience a smoother voyage through the storm.

"Building a resilientĀ culture takes more thanĀ a one-time trainingĀ event. It requiresĀ ongoing nurturing andĀ support of all who workĀ in the organization. AĀ supportive culture willĀ encourage and developĀ resilient employees.

~ Tresha Moreland andĀ Lori Wightman, Authors



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The objective of this book is to provide a launching point for creative thinking utilizing existing resources to narrowing the workforce shortage for your organization. The book focuses on providing practical strategies for healthcare executives in navigating one of the biggest workforce shortages of our time. Information is drawn straight from the field backed with real life examples of how organizations are addressing workforce supply challenges. Times have changed and so have the very talent we seek to fill our vacancies.


The successful use of this book will require:

  • an open mind to embracing new ideas
  • courage to question status quo
  • curiosity to experiment, monitor and adjust practices


The above mindset will help you overcome a trap of making incorrect assumptions about the status of your organization in each lever and chapter. For example, if your eyes tend to glaze over when talking about organizational culture, you may be tempted to skip that chapter in the book and move on. However, culture may be the very thing that is derailing your organization from attracting and retaining talent which will help ease your workforce shortages if optimal.Ā  Those executives that have an open mind and courage to question the status quo will stand a better chance to resolve organizational derailers.



Recommendations to get the best use of this book:

  • Take a step back and leave the ā€œthis is the way we do it hereā€ at the door. Consider even for a moment if your organization did something different to fill even one more vacancy and retain one more employee?
  • Consider setting up a cross functional team that will exhibit the above mindsets. Have the team evaluate your organization up against the levers described In this book. Make it safe for them to ask questions, challenge status quo, bring up issues, and make recommendations. From an executive level you may feel itā€™s safe to speak up. But is it really safe for all those who may have valuable input in your ability to attract and retain?
  • Go beyond just talking about it. Have you sat in meetings where hours go by with lots of debate and discussion, but yet nothing happens? Get into a plan, act, and do. Time is wasting away!
  • Make this effort an authentic effort to enhance your ability to impact workforce shortages. It should not be a part of political positioning, fiefdom building, or pet projects. If you really want to attract and retain start with being authentic throughout.





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Whatā€™s inside


Chapter 1

The Value of Pre-Work: 10 Steps To Develop a Resilient Organization


Chapter 2

Shaping Culture Carefully


Chapter 3

Make It Matter - Engagment with a Difference


Chapter 4

Catch Them If You Can -- Retention Techniques


Chapter 5

Alignment is the Fuel for Performance


Chapter 6

Strategic Collective Bargaining


Chapter 7

Internal Recruitment Strategies


Chapter 8

External Recruitment Strategies


Chapter 9

How Macro-Level Shifts Impact the Workforce


Chapter 10

Pulling the Future into the Present

Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio. Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi

John Doe onĀ Code of art.

Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio. Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus.

Ali Sayed onĀ Code of art.

Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus.

Dj Porag onĀ Code of art.

About the author.

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo.

Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam.

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