As an HR professional you are often busy taking care of everyone else that you may overlook developing your own skills. You might think you need to move jobs to learn new and interesting skills - but that's not always the case. The reality is, most people absorb information and learn new skills even when they think they've learnt everything there is to know in their current role. If you're feeling stale in your current role - you don't always need to move on to move up.
Take a look at these key tips for learning whilst on the job - potentially helping you earn a promotion or that next big break.
Take a course or courses
Most employers want their staff to grow and learn new skills in their current role, especially if they really value you as an employee. You might find your boss will be more open to suggestions about courses than you might think, so start by asking them.
There are many number of courses available that could help improve your skillset and make you a more valuable employee - so you should find most businesses will be willing to pay for it themselves. After all, it serves as a benefit for both them and you - as you should learn new skills in order to make you better at your job and more productive in your role.
Most employers want to promote from within rather than hiring an unknown quantity from outside - so if you can improve your skills and prove yourself as an invaluable member of your team, you might find yourself towards the top of the list for that next big promotion.
Ask experts for advice and learn from others
If you know someone who's done a similar job to you before, seek them out and ask them for advice. You might not agree with everything they say, but you'll find it good to draw on a wide range of knowledge rather than being stuck in a specific way of thinking.
You can learn things from former bosses as well as former colleagues who have gone on to bigger things. Keep networking and be a sponge for all the information you might need.
Be open to new ideas
Many people who've been stuck in the same role for a number of years might think they know it all - or simply don't care anymore. Stagnation can be difficult - but try and be open to new ideas. Even if you think you've been doing things right, there might be a better way. Don't be closed off to change.
Learn new skills and ideas at home
You might think you left studying behind years ago, but if you really want to take your professional life to the next level - you might find it necessary to get back to studying. Lots might have changed since you graduated and it's good to keep up to date with new theories and practices in your field.
Nobody's saying you have to spend hours cramming, but a bit of choice research every once in a while (or even checking out the odd blog or website) could set you apart from the field.

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- How to Improve Your Skillset Without Moving Jobs - July 17, 2023