“Are you comfortable and knowledgeable about how online business or marketing works and its importance in digital age?”
This is probably the one of the questions after ‘introduction’ that the interviewer asks the management or HR interviewee in the post-2000 world. In a fiercely competitive and evolving digital age, it is no more sufficient to have bookish theoretical knowledge. Employers are most eager to hire a candidate who knows what all in happening in the digital world and can bring the experience into the company.
If you are looking for a HR or management job change or for your first job, here are some pointers you need to know and implement to gain digital media experience and nail the next interview.
1. Utilize Social Media Addiction
Some employers are genuinely interested to see how you are using social media sites like Facebook and LinkedIn to your professional advantage. The social media platforms have become a favorite way to keep track of specific industry news and network with people of similar interests. Since you are required to stay abreast of things happening in your specific industry, employers might want to know how you use social media to this advantage. Be ready. Don’t get addicted but remain active on social media.
2. Social Responsibility
We are well aware of corporate social responsibility. It is a medium through which the corporate world makes efforts to return back to the society. Curiously, some employers are also interested to know how candidates measure up to the same dogma. It doesn’t mean you need to become the epitome of charity but employers are interested to know how you are contributing your knowledge and skills.
In short, hirers are looking not for ‘just employees’. They are looking beyond it. Do you participate on social digital initiatives? What are your thoughts on SOPA bills? The list goes on.
3. Digital Working Options
In the digital age, it is a must for every professional to learn a new online skill and have working knowledge of multimedia options like YouTube, Skype, cloud storage, PowerPoint, Online Networking, online conferences, online security, Internet brand promotion, data creation, data management and much more. Companies do provide new incumbents relevant training but they expect them to have basic knowledge to start working. Even teenagers today are primed towards the digital age. This is a bit tough for older generation of professionals in the 35+ group who didn’t have so much digital presence when they started. However, digital learning has become a necessity and it is better for the older generation of professional to update their knowledge and skillset for better job opportunities and work satisfaction.
4. Be Online Networker
Apart from Internet being one of the positively terrific ways to find full-time, part-time, freelancing or contractual jobs ,it gives you an ever widening platform to network and build a follower base. You have the opportunity to create your own identify and there is no limit to it. There are many successful professionals who have a good following on Facebook and Twitter. Some professionals work as consultants or become part of a company’s online outreach program to help build a brand.
In short, if you have networking skills, Internet is the best place to start. Again, as a networker, you have to stay updated on industry news because once you become popular, the followers will depend on you to deliver recent industry news and critiques. This is an awesome opportunity to get competitive and remain ahead of the competition. Not everyone has networking and leadership skills, if you have; it’s time to use it
Honestly, it is very tough to remain competitive in the digital age. Before you realize, someone else has usurped and surpassed your competitiveness. Research your professional field and find out the best ways to use it on online platforms and get returns.

Diksha Singh

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- How To Stay Competitive In A Digital Age - August 8, 2022