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HR C-Suite's


HR resources

Welcome to our bookstore! We have compiled a unique selection of HR and leadership resources aimed at saving time and helping you to deliver results. 

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HR Strategic Plan Timesaver Kit

Tresha Moreland


Workplace Investigation Timesaver Kit

Rosanna Nadeau, PCELC


HR Strategy in a VUCA World

Tresha Moreland


Remote Team Management Timesaver Kit

Tresha Moreland


Publications from

HR C-Suite, LLC Founder Tresha Moreland

Popular Resources

Timesaver Kits

We get it. Time is short, budgets are tight, but you still need to deliver results. Our Timesaver Kits are desgined to help you desogn and launch straegies in a pinch.

Ebooks and Guides

You can find custom created and published resources that we feel meet unique information needs in today's world.

Referred Resources

These are resources from our partners that we feel rise to the level of excellence.

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