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Human resources professionals are highly valued at a business, because of how much information they have at their disposal and how much they need to manage it. For an HR professional to succeed, having sharp project management skills can make all the difference. There will be all sorts of large-scale or ad hoc projects that you need to make sure you’re able to handle. Some will arise while you’re halfway done with other ones.

Here are four tips to help new HR professionals handle project management.


There’s so much involved in project management for HR professionals that you should take any help that is available to you. In the past, this might have meant hiring an assistant who can help you split your workload in half or more. However, technology can be your best friend now when it comes to project management. Certain software programs allows you to easily consolidate information in a way that lets you relax knowing how much thinking a computer program can do for you. While there will still be a good amount of work to do on your end, it will be all the more achievable thanks to quality technology at your disposal.

Assign Roles

You might be a leader in project management, but you shouldn’t be expected to take the burden of all the workload. Give others in the company (perhaps more specifically, others in the HR department) the training they need in order to help the project get done in time. Make sure you communicate with them properly, through regular email updates and bulletins pertaining to the project. If there’s any sort of miscommunication occurring, you should encourage the other employees to speak up about anything they’re concerned about. The more hands on deck for your project management duties means the easier you’ll be able to get it all done on time.

Be Willing to Adjust

You might have an outline for a project before it begins, but it can develop rapidly overtime to the point that it no longer resembles what you originally envisioned. This isn’t bad, rather it’s just a reality of how things develop over time. You don’t want to be rigid about what you will or won’t allow. Keep track of the progress of your project carefully. If it takes an unexpected detour, you don’t need to feel flustered. Instead, consider what kind of course corrective you’ll be able to take. You might also ask the others involved in the project about what they’re advice is. They’ll appreciate you soliciting their input.

Don’t Bite off More Than You Can Chew

The key to doing this is to be as on top of your workload as possible. However, if you try to overwork yourself by taking on projects that have little to no chance of success, you’re only setting yourself up for failure. Before every project, you should examine what needs to be done and whether it’s possible, given your resources and time available. If you find yourself in too deep on a project that has little to no chance of success, you could be jeopardizing your department and your company.

Project management allows you to lead others in your company for the success of the business. By following these tips, you can help ensure that your project management system is one that benefits the company and the employees together.

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Hannah Whittenly is a freelance writer and mother of two from Sacramento, CA. She enjoys kayaking and reading books by the lake. For your team-building activity, Hannah recommends Houdini’s Room Escape.

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