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As the end of the year approaches, so does the holiday season, and with it, the biggest shopping days of the year: Black Friday and Cyber Monday. It is important that your employees are prepared for Black Friday and Cyber Monday ahead of time, and that you take steps to help avoid burn out throughout the work day. Maximize productivity and keep your staff's spirits up with these tips.

Let Staff Know What’s Expected

Publish the schedule for Black Friday and Cyber Monday ahead of time, sooner than you would for a normal work week. Many people travel out of town to visit family for Thanksgiving, and it will be easier on your employees if they know ahead of time if they'll be working during the holiday weekend. With advance notice, they can plan their trips around their work schedule, which will help prevent call outs that result in being understaffed on one of the busiest days of the year. Give your employees ample time to plan their Thanksgiving week and make shift trades, instead of making them scramble to adjust travel plans last minute. Happy employees will be more effective than employees who are grumpy from missing their family events. Remind your staff of the company's attendance policies. If there's additional penalties for calling out on a holiday, make certain the employees are aware of them to avoid surprise disciplinary action when they return from their holiday celebrations.

Are employees allowed to shop Cyber Monday sales while at work? Be clear with what you expect from your staff while working these busy holidays. Restricting internet access can just irritate employees rather than motivating them to work, so make it clear when it’s appropriate for them to do their own online shopping.

Get Them Excited

Remember that working on Black Friday and Cyber Monday can be stressful and tiring, and sometimes employees need a morale boost. Send out motivating emails to staff as Black Friday and Cyber Monday approach, and another one the morning of both days. Make the day fun by hosting a competition to see who can make the most sales for the day. Motivate them by offering a pizza party, gift cards, or other such rewards to the team who wins. Employees appreciate when their hard work is recognized, and will be more willing to keep up their productivity if they don't feel taken for granted.

Embrace the Holiday Season

Black Friday and Cyber Monday come around right in the middle of the holidays. Employees will be thinking about their Thanksgiving festivities from the days before, and the upcoming Christmas holiday. Help motivate your staff by embracing the festivities, rather than trying to fight it. Decorate for Thanksgiving, and consider providing lunch or treats to amp up their moods. If providing lunch isn't in the budget, host a Thanksgiving potluck so employees can bring leftovers to share with coworkers. Give the workplace a feeling of a second Thanksgiving, as your employees are giving up time with their friends and families to come into work. Consider relaxing the dress code for the day if your staff doesn't interact with customers in person.

Show Appreciation

Let your staff know that you appreciate their hard work. If your company employs a large number of people, send out a mass email thanking everyone at the end of the day, and send out personalized emails to any employees that went above and beyond the set expectations. If your company has a smaller workforce, take this a step farther by sending out handwritten thank you cards. If you do decide to host a contest, make sure to follow up on the promised reward. Showing your staff that you value them and their work will help keep them motivated throughout the rest of the busy holiday season.

Setting clear expectations, motivating your staff, embracing the holiday season, and showing appreciation will all help to inspire your employees to work hard and stay focused on Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

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James Pointon is an experienced and passionate sales team leader working for OpenAgent. Deeply interested in effective ways of managing employees and boosting teams' productivity, James enjoys sharing his ideas through blogging. Follow him on LinkedIn.

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